Praktika architectural bureau
Praktika architectural bureau is a Moscow-based office founded by Denis Chistov and Grigory Guryanov Our key competences include designing urban public spaces, developing masterplans and architecture for parks, industrial legacy renovating. Praktika’s works are rewarded with number of professional national prizes and awards.
We design more than mere architecture, but the place it has to take in the flow of urban events and meanings. We search for smart engaging design ideas, with special attention to local identity, scenario programming, working with the history and atmosphere of the place.
We develope ideas that work.

Honorary diploma "Best project of Russia" in nomination "The City: public spaces" by Project Russia magazine
3rd place in competition "Small townsand historical settlements" by Ministry
of Housing and building of Russian
Federation for the concept of renovation
of the historical center of Derbent city,
jointly with MARCH Lab